Franke's Famous Potato Salad Worth Killing For

 Franke's Famous Potato Salad Worth Killing For 

(English Recipe)

By Robert and Siphannay Burnes 


Franke's Famous Potato Salad Worth Killing For

    This side dish is named after Anthony Franke who is just a legend of a human being. His attitude and love for food inspired this recipe and it took us years to perfect it. It is one of our most requested sides for most events. 



1. 3 pounds of red potatoes, washed and cut into 1/4 pieces

2. *Four eggs

3. Chives

4. One shallot

5. Two garlic cloves

6. Half package of uncured bacon

7. Butter lettuce

8. 1/2 cup of mayo

9. 1/4 jarred jalapeno

10. *1/2 cup of soy sauce

11. *2 Tablespoons of brown sugar

12. Teaspoon of red chili flakes

13. *1/2 teaspoon of hoisin

14. 2 cups of milk

15. Tablespoon of butter; 

16. Teaspoon of black pepper

17. 1/2 teaspoon of chili powder

18. 1/2 teaspoon of dried mustard

19. 1/2 teaspoon of dried ground ginger; 

20. 1/2 teaspoon of dried dill;

21. Chives.

*= Caramelized Medium Boiled Eggs called Thit Tau


1. Add the milk and butter to a pot and bring to a boil. Add potatoes and cook until the potatoes are soft enough to easily squish with a fork. Like your soul after a week of reading political biased news; 

2. Do not drain the milk and butter out. Simply and gently scoop about half of the potatoes out of the pot and place them in a pan that is already hot with enough olive oil in the pan to sear the potatoes. Do not mix or move these spuds. Let them brown up on that one side until they are slightly darker than toast. Remove them from the heat and place them on a grate where the oil can drip away; 

3. The remainder of the potatoes are going to get lightly mashed. Not whipped. Just a light mash. Add pepper and salt to taste then place the lightly beat potatoes into a large glass serving bowl where they will standby to standby; 

4. Cut them bacon into small pieces and add to a hot pan. Continue to cook until the bacon is about 3/4 done then add 1/4 teaspoon of brown sugar and the chili flakes. Finish cooking then remove the bacon from the pan and spread it out over a large plate; 

5. Mix all of the dry spices into a small bowl and mix about 1/2 of it with the lightly mashed potatoes; 

6. Bring a pot of water to boil then add the eggs. Remove two of the eggs at about the 4-6 minute mark and leave the other two until the 8-10 minute marker. Place the eggs in a bowl of ice water. PRO TIP: Keep the medium and hard boil eggs separated; 

7. In a small pot, mix the above ingredients marked with a * and stir until it is hot. Add the medium boiled eggs, minus their shells to the dark mix and monitor. This will take about ten minutes then remove the eggs and sauce and place them in another bowl and permit them to sit there by themselves and think about what they did to deserve this; 

8. Take the hard boil eggs, minus their shells, and give them a good beating with a sharp knife. Add this mixture to the gently mashed potatoes; 

9. Now take everything and put it in proper containers and place the whole lot of it in the fridge. Set your Mickey Mouse watch to alarm in 6 hours and wait; 


1. Line the sides of the serving bowl with the butter lettuce; 

2. Place the gently mashed potatoes across the bottom then pour the toasted potatoes across the top after you mixed the toasted potatoes with some mayo-just enough to coat them. Add chives to this mixture. Gentle mix this together, but don't go crazy. ; 

3. Top the lot of it with the bacon, dill, chopped jalapeño, shallots, and a nice light dusting of paprika and freshly ground pepper. This style of not mixing these ingredients permits the flavors to exists on their own level and frankly, tastes way better then mixing it all up; 

4. Take those caramelized eggs and cut them in half, place those on top of the dish to the side in an artistic way that makes people believe you really knew what you were doing. 

    The combination of the soft and crunch, sweet and spicy, and the salty and sweet will blow your mind right out of the window. This goes great with fried chicken as well or other picnic dishes such as burgers. FYI, that butter lettuce isn't for show. Serve that up as well and encourage people to cut it up with the potato salad. It's a nice crunch with a flavor that seamlessly blends the contrasts.  


Robert and Siphannay 

The Bear and Dragon Experience 
